Thursday 26 January 2012


The Hangover part 3 to start filming in the summer...
It was inevitable really, wasn't it? The rule of three meant this was, pretty much, a sure thing - well, that and the fact that Part I and II grossed over $1 billion; I'm sure that played into Warner Bros' decision somehow. And so here we are, little over eight months since the sequel to 2009's most successful comedy, and the internet is -  once again - rife with discussion about Part III.
Carlos, a true gem from The Hangover...However, this is hardly news - after all, we reported Warner Bros' intent to turn the franchise into a trilogy back in June 2011 - more-so the progress that has been made. If rumours are to be believed (and let's be honest, it's likely Warner themselves themselves started them), then filming of the controversial three-quel is set to start this summer, with a scheduled release date of Memorial Day 2013 (the last Monday of May for Non-US readers). Moreover, after a little bit of delving it would appear that the official start date is likely to be the last week of April.
But things have changed - Bradley Cooper, Zach Galifianakis and Ed Helms are now household names, and as such demand a household appearance fee...or so they believe. So, in a united front, one that makes Charlie Sheen's 'winning' episode look like a schoolchild's tantrum, the trio (there's that rule of three again) are believed to be holding out for $15 million each! Oh, and that's before their individual back-ends.
To put these demands into context, the three received just under $1 million for their original debut's (The Hangover) and roughly $5 million for similar roles in its sequel (The Hangover II), so their demands mark a 200% rise on last years payment...don't they know there's a recession on? Should Warner Bros. agree - and, considering the films popularity, you better believe they will - to the conditions, the boys will learn as much as George Clooney did in Ocean's Thirteen.
As for Warner Bros, well, they need this. Their Batman franchise comes to an end this summer through The Dark Knight Rises; and 2012 will be the first year without a Harry Potter release in over 12 years. As ever, I'm sure a handful of ridiculous claims will emerge as time progresses - last year, Tyson's tattoo artist tried to claim copyright infringement and stop the release of The Hangover II - and each will be swept aside.
But please, Warner Bros, don't let the monkey write the script again. Unlike its predecessor, The Hangover II lacked any sort of originality, instead regurgitating the original format - complete with original ending - but with Bangkok thrown in. If you're going to pay $15 million salaries, be sure to present them with a $300 million script; the boys are funny, but you've got to give them a chance. If not for us, fine...but do it for Carlos.

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