Thursday 26 January 2012

Cage talks Rider 2

There was one thing that Cage was keen to stress: Spirit Of Vengeance is no sequel.

“I don’t see this as a sequel at all,” he told us. “I see this as Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance. The other movie was Ghost Rider. This movie is Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance.”

Erm, so what's the actual difference then? Cage went on to explain where we find the (occasionally flame-skulled) stunt rider this time around:

“Johnny Blaze is in a much different place in this movie,” explains Cage. “It’s a much edgier, almost cynical interpretation compared to the first Ghost Rider. Because in that movie, Johnny was trying to keep everything at bay, to keep things from erupting.”

On the appeal of the character, Cage added:

“I couldn’t get my head around how I was supposed to perceive something like that to be a hero, so I was automatically attracted to that complexity.

“It’s easy to love Superman, it’s easy to love Captain America, but it’s a challenge to love the Ghost Rider. As I got older that carried on into my dramatic work – I’m always looking for flawed characters who have a pathos and a kind of tragedy to them.”

Ghost Rider: Spirit Of Vengeance opens on 17 February 2012.

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