Thursday 26 January 2012

Chuck in Expandables 2...Not such a good idea.

When it was initially announced that Chuck Norris would be joining the cast of The Expendables 2, action fans rejoiced at the injection of grit to an already badass lineup.
However, it seems that the main impact of Norris’ involvement has been to change the film’s certificate from an R to a PG-13, thanks to his refusal to participate in a film containing any bad language.

“In Expendables 2, there was a lot of vulgar dialogue in the screenplay,” explains Norris. “For this reason, many young people wouldn’t be able to watch this. But I don’t play in movies like this.”

“Due to that I said I won’t be a part of that if the hardcore language is not erased,” he continued. “Producers accepted my conditions and the movie will be classified in the category of PG-13.”

Now, given that this interview came from a Polish newspaper, we thought there might have been something lost in translation. However, Sly Stallone himself dropped a line to AICN all but confirming the news.

“The film is fantastic with Van Damme turning in an inspired performance,” says Stallone. “Our final battle is one for the ages. The PG-13 rumour is true, but before your readers pass judgement, trust me when I say this film is LARGE in every way and delivers on every level.”

“This movie touches on many emotions which we want to share with the broadest audience possible, BUT, fear not, this Barbeque of Grand scale Ass Bashing will not leave anyone hungry.”

The Expendables 2 opens in the US on 17 August 2012, with a UK release date set to arrive soon after. And this time, it sounds like you’ll be able to take your Gran along…

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