Friday 17 February 2012

Ghost Rider 3 and Crank 3D may happen

Cage Statham
Mark Neveldine and Brian Taylor are two of the most visually interesting directors working in the business today. The directors of Crank and Gamer bring a gritty, guerrilla-style of filmmaking to their work, oftentimes donning roller blades or attaching consumer cameras to self-made rigs to get the shots they’re looking for. Their new film Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance roars into theaters on Friday, and The Playlist had a chance to speak with the directors about possible sequels to some of their movies.
Neveldine told the site that Nic Cage is interested in reprising his role of Johnny Blaze for a third film in the franchise, but they’ll have to wait and see how Spirit of Vengeance does at the box office before making any final decisions. He also commented on the status of Crank 3D:
“It’s gonna happen, it’s gonna be written, and it will be 3D,” Neveldine assures the fans, though they claim they’re still spitballing ideas, claiming they’re fueled by, “Beer, tequila, talking about ideas, doing whatever the fuck we want to do, and trying to push it through the system.” Taylor adds, ” ‘Crank’ is destined to be a trilogy. And then maybe we’ll go for the prequels the way ‘Star Wars‘ did.”

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