Thursday 12 January 2012


Mojang has released Minecraft update 1.1 - the first proper update since the game went 'gold' late last year.

Click to view larger image
As well as fixing a load of bugs and glitches, the update adds new Bow Enhancements, a new Golden Apple recipe and more.

Here's a partial list of changes, along with a video below all about the latest update.

- Bow Enchantments

- Golden Apple recipe

- New language translations.

- Slightly smoothed color transitions between biomes

- Reduced brewing time to 20 seconds

- Added spawn eggs to creative (the colors of the eggs even look like the mobs)

- Added world type options (currently only super-flat and default)

- Removed collision box from ladders

- Sheep eat grass and regain their wool

- Many bug fixes

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